1. Revolutionaries Think Differently
Faith in Christ produces a fundamental change or shift. John's disciples responed by following Jesus without an invitation. Revelation rules over reason. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." We progressively discover Christ more fully as we daily respond to His invitation to follow. He want us to recognize and love Him for the right reasons. Who Christ is compels us to follow.
2. Revolutionaries Are True Believers
Do we recognize Him for Who He is? Christ demands that He alone become our true security. If a person is willing to pursue Jesus when he has little or nothing materially, how likely will he seek or follow Christ once he has secured everything else but Him? We must first allow His life and power to confront us. In following Christ, we are led into our God-appointed destiny.
3. Revolutionaries Are Volunteers
The Church Age began at Pentecost, and continues to this day. The grace of God empowers us with a volunteer heart and mind in pursuing Jesus. As Christ's volunteers, we are ordered by the self-governance of an inner new nature in Christ. Stewards own the vision of the company they work for. A hireling works for his provision, whereas a steward works for his vision. A steward will go the extra mile, because he believes in what he is working for. When we serve with excellence, this gives glory to God. As disciples, five-star excellence is our basic standard. Serving God with excellence is the basic minimum expected of a servant. Steward, by contrast, are different. They consistently go beyond what is expected. Like stewards, revolutionaries always go far beyond the minimum required.
"이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다."