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How to Improve Your Backstroke Swimming Technique
Backstroke is one of the four competitive swimming strokes, and is known for its unique features such as swimming on the back, rotating the arms backwards and kicking with an alternating motion. If you are looking to improve your backstroke technique, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. In this article, we'll cover some tips and tricks to help you become a stronger backstroke swimmer.
Proper Body Position
The key to swimming strong backstroke is maintaining proper body position in the water. This means keeping your head back and relaxed, your shoulders and hips aligned, and your body straight and streamlined. To achieve this position, keep your chin pointed towards the ceiling and your eyes focused on the ceiling or the sky. Avoid looking down or to the side, as this can throw off your balance and disrupt your rhythm.
Arm Technique
The arm technique in backstroke is slightly different from other strokes, as it involves rotating your arms backwards instead of forwards. As you swim, reach back with one arm while simultaneously pulling the other arm forward, similar to a windmill motion. Keep your elbows straight but not locked, and make sure your hands are entering and exiting the water in a straight line. As your hands exit the water, rotate your arms back and lift your shoulders towards your ears. This will help you generate power and maintain your body position in the water.
Kick Technique
The kick in backstroke is also unique, as it involves an alternating motion instead of a continuous flutter kick. To kick properly, alternate between kicking with your left and right legs, keeping your toes pointed and your ankles relaxed. The kick should be small and rapid, and should originate from your hips. Avoid bending your knees too much, as this can create drag and slow you down.
Breathing Technique
Breathing is an important aspect of any swimming stroke, and backstroke is no exception. As you swim, breathe in through your mouth and out through your nose, exhaling as your face is submerged in the water. When it's time to breathe, rotate your head to the side and take a quick breath before returning your head to the center position. Try to time your breathing with your arm and kick movements to maintain a smooth and efficient stroke.
Practice Makes Perfect
As with any sport, the key to improving your backstroke technique is practice. Take the time to focus on each aspect of the stroke, from body position to arm and kick technique to breathing. Set small goals for yourself each time you swim, such as improving your body position or increasing the number of strokes per lap. With time and dedication, you can become a stronger and more efficient backstroke swimmer.
Backstroke can be a challenging and rewarding swimming stroke, and with the right technique, you can improve your performance in the pool. Remember to maintain proper body position, focus on your arm and kick technique, breathe efficiently, and practice regularly. By following these tips, you can take your backstroke to the next level and enjoy all the benefits of this unique and exciting stroke.
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